Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Girl Guides Celebrate 100 years in Canada

On Saturday, May 29, 2010 the Girl Guides of the Cornwall area celebrated the 100th anniversary of Guiding in Canada. The Cornwall Community Musuem was please to host the event in which a time capsul was opened an another one closed. The new capsul will be opened in 25 yeras from now.

25 years ago on the 75th anniversary of Guiding in Canada, a time capsul was placed in the Museum to be opened on the 100th anniversary of Guiding.

One by one, the girls came up and each took out an object or paper that was placed in the capsul 25 years ago. There were many different letters and cards dating back 25 years when the Girl Guides celebrated their 75th anniversary.

The photo on the right is of the flag that was designed for the 75th anniversary of Guiding in 1985 and placed in the capsul.

The Museum also set up a small display showcasing Girl Guide memorabilia, like old uniforms, badges, hats and belts. Later, once the capsul was empty, we set up the old pictures and documents as well, in order to give everyone a chance to examine the contents of the time capsul.

In the end it was a great event and we thank the Girl Guides for including us in the centennial celebration. We hope to help them out again in another 25 years when the new capsul will need to be opened and we will all take a look back to 2010.